奥地利女艺术家捷尼亚·豪斯纳画册 Xenia Hausner: 真实的谎言

Xenia Hausner is one of the most important Austrian woman artists of our time. This lavishly illustrated volume focuses on the aspect of stagecraft that characterizes all her works. Hausner, who previously worked as a set designer, constructs three-dimensional settings for her pictures in her studio before she begins painting. Fragments of cars or train compartments become backdrops, and mundane, everyday objects become co-actors in her quirky comic strips. She thus confronts us through staged excerpts with the contradictions inherent within ourselves, with facets that we do not reveal to the outside world. Those fictions are what permits her to search with a penetrating vision for the true heart of the matter—and to reveal it in her pictures.
Starting with Hausner’s early works from the 1990s and tracing her career through her most recent, powerfully moving, Exiles series, this book lures us into the mysterious world of interpersonal relationships.
Xenia hausner 是我们这个时代,最重要的奥地利女艺术家之一。这本图文并茂的著作集中描述了她所有作品的舞台技巧。豪斯纳之前是一名布景设计师,在开始绘画之前,她在工作室里为自己的作品构建三维布景。汽车或火车车厢的碎片变成了背景,平凡的日常物品变成了她古怪连环画中的共同演员。因此,她通过舞台上的片段,向我们展示了我们内在的矛盾,以及我们不向外界透露的一面。这些小说使她能够用敏锐的视觉去寻找事物的真正核心ーー并在她的画作中表现出来。从豪斯纳20世纪90年代的早期作品开始,通过她最新的,强有力的,流放系列追溯她的职业生涯,这本书引导我们进入人际关系的神秘世界。
出版社 : Hirmer Publishers (2021年1月23日)
语言 : 英语
精装 : 240页
ISBN-10 : 3777435384
ISBN-13 : 978-3777435381
商品重量 : 2.16 kilograms
尺寸 : 29.21 x 3.05 x 29.21 cm