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时间: 2016-11-09   

HaKaren Art Gallery 客艺廊,于1996年在新加坡成立至今与艺术家和藏家们共同走过19个年头,画廊以锐利专业眼光发掘年轻艺术家并用心栽培推广,在这个位于东南亚枢纽经济发展迅速的重点艺术市场中,为众多年轻的艺术家成功打开一片天空,同时得到收藏家的认可支持。

Established in Singapore since 1996, HaKaren Art Gallery is a leading specialist in contemporary art featuring a distinctive selection of fine paintings and sculptures by some of most eminent and exceptional contemporary artists.

Geared with an avid and open mindset, HaKaren has never ceased to keep a dedicated gaze towards the churning creativity flowing forth from all over the world. With such a varied and vigorous amount of talent embedded in this competitively diversified nation, there lies a thin line between notable craftsmanship, and the phenomenally artistic. It is our aim to discern the latter from the former, and flourish limelight upon the truly gifted.

Our collection is a showcase of unique, harmonious compositions wording the quintessence of Oriental tradition through modern spatial elements and vibrant colours of the Western palette. With excellent artworks by represented top-notch artists entered in premier auctions in Asia, HaKaren offers professional services as well as consultation in art investment to an international cosmopolitan audience.

In correlation with a progressing global demand for contemporary artistry, we began to introduce avant-garde art way back in 2002. By adopting a strategic stance, and embarking upon the middle road between conventional and contemporary precepts, HaKaren has achieved the combinative rarity of fusing traditional concepts with bold modernity. And with a recent change of our gallery appearance in late 2010, we are bringing in an even more outstanding line-up of young contemporary artists who are setting trails ablaze with their artistic fineness.


栗子    谢克    申树斌   刘家华


联 系 人:Suki

地  址:19 Tanglin Road #02-43/44/45 Singapore

电  话:+86 13439279404

座  机:+65 67333382

邮  箱:suki_young_bj@163.com






